My name is Gretchen Stephenson. As the owner of Canine Manners and More, it is my privilege to craft personalized training plans to help my clients work with their dogs to effectively achieve their training goals.

I love working with people and dogs at all levels to help them overcome whatever training challenges they are facing.
For over 25 years, I have trained pet and performance dogs and their owners as a professional dog trainer. I’m a professional member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) and have the following credentials: Certified Dog Trainer Advanced (CDTA) and Professional Dog Training Instructor (PDTI).
In my career, I have worked with over 70 breeds of dogs. I am an American Kennel Club (AKC) Hunt Test Judge, an AKC Tracking Judge, an AKC Canine Good Citizen, S.T.A.R. Puppy, and a Temperament Test Evaluator and a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CDTI). I have taught tricks dog seminars, hunting dog seminars, and numerous tracking seminars for clubs, private groups, and training companies.

I have trained and handled my own dogs to the following titles:
- Tracking: CT, Champion Tracker
- AKC Pointing Breeds Hunt Tests: MHA, Master Hunter Advanced
- NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association): VC, Versatile Champion
- Obedience: AKC UD, Utility Dog
- Weimaraner Club of America (WCA): SDX, Shooting Dog Excellent and RDX, Retrieving Dog Excellent
- AKC Retrieving Hunt Tests: JH, Junior Hunter
- Conformation: AKC GCH, Grand Championship and CH, Championship
- Agility: OA, Open Agility and OAJ, Open Agility Jumpers
- Do More With Your Dog: Trick Dog Champion
I received my Master Trainer Certification from the Tom Rose School for Dog Trainers in June 2003, a Professional Trainer Certification from the Tom Rose School for Dog Trainers in March 2003, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1993. I am committed to continuing my education by attending seminars for dog training and coaching people.
For a complete list of all the services I provide, please click here.
For more information, or if you would like to talk with me, please complete the contact form below.